Mind the Gap – Episode 11

Elizabeth Zion

In this episode of Mind the Gap, we meet Elizabeth Zion, a gifted Poet/ Writer, Activist and undergraduate studying politics, International Relations and social justice. The conversation is passionate, intelligent and laced with spiritual insights, her coping mechanism, living with racism, denied her father for more than 18years under Family Reunification, homeless for 7 months, her sheer determination to overcome every obstacle is contagious. This vivid personal story will melt the hardest heart. She is an inspiration, a beacon to light in the darkness of racism and to crush mental illness before it takes root in the mind.

About the series

Join Mary Oyediran for Mind the Gap. In this series was she meets a number of special guest’s about their experience of racism on their mental health. Mind the Gap delves deep into the impact racism has on the everyday lives of the African community living in Ireland. Mind the Gap is coming soon to NearCast or wherever you get your podcast. Mind the Gap is a podcast series from the makers of Racism is Real in Ireland.