Green Horizons_Environmentally Fashionable

According to Oxfam Ireland, half a tonne of clothing every minute is dumped into a landfill in Ireland. That amount produces over 12 tonnes of carbon emissions – the same as driving 65,000 kilometres in a car. Buying just one white cotton shirt produces the same amount of emissions as driving 56 kilometres in a car. In this programme Ben, Sadie, Jack and Eoin discuss why buying cheap is expensive in the long term and alternatives to fast fashion.


This programme guests are:

Alannah Ní Mhuirí worked as a fashion editor for the Trinity News.

Hans Zommer is the CEO of Global Action Plan, an environmental organisation with a social focus, working with individuals and communities to show how everyday actions impact on the planet and on other human beings.

This programme was produced by Sally Galiana. Sound design and music by Bronagh McCabe. Co-production, interviews, and narration: Jack Evans, Sadie Marley, Ben Forrest and Eoin Butler.
