Racism is Real in Ireland – S01 E04 – Diveristy

This fourth Podcast examines diversity and social inclusion from an African persons perspective. Our host Mary Oyediran is joined by five guests Winifred Ikhine Akinyemi, Public Engagement Facilitator in Irish Aid Centre; Leila who is a trainer and social influencer; Diana Ikwe who is studying Social Work Masters in Trinity College Dublin; Nonie Banda a Trainee Solicitor/Mental Health and works with group African Centre and Zephrynus Okehi Ikeh the founder of Irish Development Initiatives.

Three broad areas of the conversation are discussed thoroughly to challenge our mind-set and theories on diversity and social inclusion. These are:

1. Introduction to personal journeys since their arrival in Ireland. Highlighting experiences and impact of racism on day to day living.

2. Discussion on creative projects on diversity and social inclusion and its positive influence on the community at large.

3. Candid recommendations and suggestions to Department of Justice and Equality, urging them to take positive steps to create a more affluent society that embraces diversity and socially inclusivity in deed not in theory alone.

About the podcast

RACISM IS REAL IN IRELAND is a series of 6 podcasts that examines the effect of racism on African migrants in Ireland. There are six topics for discussion including integration, education, employment, diversity, hate speech/hate crime and multiculturalism. The beauty of each podcast is the African migrants are given the unique platform to share their personal experiences without restriction or fear of reprisals. They examine racism and its devastating effect on their well-being! They represent the visible migrants, the new Irish Africans. Their unique voices are recorded as they express their brush with racism daily. At the end of each podcast, recommendations are made to inspire and encourage economic, social and political growth of the Irish society as they work together with the New Communities.  

These podcasts supports the on going campaign and petitions to establish the Hate Crime Law in Ireland the only country in Europe without this law.

This podcast is researched and presented by Mary Oyediran with the support of NearCast and the African Centre of Ireland.
